Terms of Use for the Smartwatcher Website

All resources (text, images, pdf files, scripts and so on) contained within this website are subject to the copyright © of Smartwatcher Technologies AG (“Smartwatcher”), or have been licensed to it. All rights reserved. If the user has any queries regarding this notice, or the use of materials from the Smartwatcher web site, please contact Smartwatcher on marketing@smartwatcher.com.

The content may not be distributed, published, modified, processed, or used for public or commercial purposes without the prior written approval of Smartwatcher.

The materials made available in this site are provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, or non-infringement.

Smartwatcher does not guarantee nor assume any form of liability for the correctness and completeness of the Smartwatcher website.

Smartwatcher does not warrant that the materials will be error free, nor free from viruses, defamatory, offensive, or other harmful matter. The user assumes the entire cost of any necessary service, repair, or correction caused by the use of the Smartwatcher website.

Smartwatcher’s policy of continual development means that product specification and appearance may change without notice. Smartwatcher does not accept responsibility for any errors and omissions contained within this website.

Products and product packaging may vary from the pictures shown on the Smartwatcher website which serve illustrative purposes only.

By using the Smartwatcher website the user agrees to these terms of use. If the user does not agree to these terms of use the user is not allowed to use this site.

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